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On The Wire

The Parameters of Search Incident to Arrest
  • June 30, 2024

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit recently considered a case involving the search of a hotel room and the seizure of a cellular telephone as an incident to the arrest of a suspected narcotics distributor. The…

Alberta’s Top Court Orders New Trial in Cocaine Smuggling Case
  • June 15, 2024

The Alberta Court of Appeal has ordered a new trial for Kirandeep Toor who was convicted of drug smuggling by a Lethbridge jury and was serving a nine year sentence along with her twenty-two month old daughter who was born…

Operation Endgame Targets the Dropper Ecosystem
  • May 31, 2024

A multinational cyber operation coordinated by Europol has dismantled a malware network that infected millions of computers worldwide. It is the latest international investigation targeting ransomware and other malware droppers that are usually delivered by emails containing infected links or…

They who give up liberty for security deserve neither liberty nor security.  

- Benjamin Franklin